Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics organized a webinar titled "Data Analysis and Mining in Linux Terminal" on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. Assist. Prof. Alper Yılmaz, an academic at Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Department of Bioengineering attended the event as a speaker. To the e-seminar conducted over CatsV3; academicians from various universities in Turkey also attended as well as our faculty members, students and graduates. In the e-seminar that Ress. Assist. Özge Rencüzoğulları was the moderator, detailed information was given about the bioinformatics tools used in compiling and analyzing complex biological data and the Linux operating system. Using human genome information, finding regions with specific motifs on the DNA sequence was carried out as an exemplary study. Finally, ideas about the programs that can be developed in the near future and the functions that these programs will have were discussed.

To watch the replay of the event…

Last Update Date: Tue, 03/01/2022 - 09:35